Writing the N2 Section
For Grades 7-12

You have completed the Older section. Transitioning into the Newer section – the N2 section – is easy. Just create a Level 1. Call it Hunt et al.
Then put your hyperthesis below: The theory of Dr. Terrance Hunt regarding how the Easter Island moai were moved differs dramatically from the earlier theory of Dr. Jo Anne Van Tilburg.
Level 2
Next, discuss the Claim. You might tell about what happened: Sergio Haoa, a graduate student of Hunt’s, invited him to spend Christmas vacation on Easter Island, where the student was mayor. Hunt accepted. He did not go there to dispute Van Tilburg’s theory. However, a close examination of the statues set him wondering: Why were the statues being carved twice: once, before transport, and a second time afterward. Why not simply carve them once?
Hunt called for help from another expert, Dr. Karl Lipo of UCLA. Together, the three of them formulated a stunning new theory that was consistent with the Natives’ insistence that the moai had magically walked to their final destination.

Task 4.8.1 – Small Groups
Read this article:
Find three ways that suggest that the statues were walked. Count the moai’s body shapes as one. List them each as a Level 3.
Turn in this part of your paper to your instructor.
Task 4.8.2 – Small Groups
Using the advice from the previous lesson regarding writing, fill in the details of this section. Then check your grammar and spelling. Finally, add your footnotes. What will they look like, since you have three authors? See the previous lesson for that as well.
Turn in a completed N2 to your instructor.