Finish the Old Section
Grades 1-3
You now have Sentence 1 of the Old section. It is the Old section’s introduction.
There are two parts left:
Review: The Three Parts of a Section
A section usually has three parts:
Remembering them is easy. Think of IDK, short for I don’t know. Except it’s IDP:
Trout Shout
Review: the Old section
Choose the correct answer. The Old section tells readers—
- What they probably already know
- What they probably don’t know much about
- Why the What statement is true
- Why the What statement is important
Introduce the Old Section
You should be finished with the Introduction. It is one sentence long. It is not about your New idea, which is how gers are made.
This should be your first sentence:
The Mongol Empire was the largest contiguous empire in the history of the world. Contiguous means “together.”
Task 5.7.1 – Class
Look at the map (below) of the United States. It has 50 states. Do you see how 48 of those states form one big land mass? That part of the United States is called the contiguous States.
But there are two other states: Alaska and Hawaii. See if you can find them. They are part of the United States but are not part of the contiguous States.
Which state do you live in? Find it on the map.
If you are not from the United States, find your country on a world map.
Explain what your first sentence means. To do that, explain what “contiguous” means.
How to Arrange Information
Use numbers to arrange information from most important to least important. Do not rewrite.
For example:
And everywhere that Mary went,
Its fleece was white as snow.
Mary had a little lamb.
The lamb was sure to go.
3. And everywhere that Mary went,
2. Its fleece was white as snow.
1. Mary had a little lamb.
4.The lamb was sure to go.
Don’t erase if you make a mistake. Just use a number + a letter. For example:
2a. And everywhere that Mary went,
2. Its fleece was white as snow.
1. Mary had a little lamb.
3.The lamb was sure to go.
Task 5.7.2 – Small Groups
Arrange the following sentences from most important to least important. Use numbers.
Each group was made up of 10 groups of 10 warriors.
He divided his army into groups of 100 men.
He was a military genius.
They rode small, fast horses.
They were all expert with the bow and arrow.
The Mongols were led by Genghis Khan.
You have made the Claim that The Mongols conquered more contiguous land than any other people in history. Now you must prove it.
Task 5.7.3 – Small Groups
Arrange the following sentences from most important to least important. Use numbers. It also included parts of India, much of Southeast Asia, and most of the Middle East. It included China, much of Russia, and all of Central Asia
The Mongol Empire stretched from the Pacific Ocean to Eastern Europe.
The Mongols killed between 20 and 57 million people.
- Choose a new sheet of paper or a new file in your computer. At the top of the page, write The Mongolian Ger.
Center it.
Then go down a couple of lines.
Find the left margin. (Not the edge of the paper.)
Come in about ½” from the left margin.
Write this sentence:
The Mongol Empire was the largest contiguous empire in the history of the world.
If you go onto a second line, then bring it all the way out to the left margin.
Make sure you capitalize The, Mongol, and Empire.
Put a period at the end of the sentence.
2. Start a new paragraph.
Drop down one line below the end of your first sentence.
Come in about ½” from the left margin.
Write the sentences from 5.6.1, in order.
Bring the second line – and all other sentences – all the way out to the left margin. Capitalize the first letter of each sentence.
Capitalize all names of people and places.
Put a period at the end of the sentence.
3. Start a new paragraph.
Drop down one line below the end of your first sentence.
Come in about ½” from the left margin.
Write the sentences from 5.7.2. Bring the second line – and all other sentences – all the way out to the left margin.
Capitalize the first letter of each sentence.
Capitalize all names of people and places.
Put a period at the end of the sentence.
You now have completed the Old section of your essay!
Turn your paper in to your teacher.