Grades 1-3

Task 1.0.1 – Class
Writing starts with a great subject. Think of it as kernels of popcorn. As you work through the lessons, your understanding of the process will pop.
Say the six kernels at least three times – LOUD!
Your teacher may also want you to do other activities with them.
Six Kernels for Picking a Subject
The six items below are kernels. Think of popcorn.
The kernels blow up to be delicious snacks. These kernels are basic concepts to the GWS process.
- Subject, not style, is king by a mile.
- Write for strangers – not teachers, family, friends, or Ninja rangers.
- What readers likely know or don’t care about is Old.
- What’s mostly new and interesting to readers is Gold.
- To find gold, brainstorm, grade, and rank to scrape off the mold.
- Feel like you’re lost in a tunnel? Funnel.
Task 1.0.2 – Class
Shout the kernels as you see the pictures.
1. Subject, not style, is king by a mile.

2. Write for strangers – not teachers, family, friends, or Ninja rangers.

3.What readers likely know or don’t care about is Old.

4. What’s mostly new and interesting to readers is Gold.

5. To find gold, brainstorm, grade, and rank to scrape off the mold.

6. Feel like you’re lost in a tunnel? Funnel.

Task 1.0.3 – Tandem
Click here and, working in twos, complete the quiz. Do not use these pages, or other resources. Do not ask anyone other than your partner.