Launch the Spoken Story
Grades 1-3
Task 0.1.1
Close your eyes. Relax. Softly repeat after your teacher reads these.
- Subject, not style, is king by a mile.

- Write for strangers – not teachers, family, friends, or Ninja rangers.

- What readers know or don’t care about is Cold.

- What’s new and interesting to readers is Gold.

- To find gold, brainstorm, grade, and rank to scrape off the mold.

- Feel like you’re lost in a tunnel? Funnel.

- Subject, not style, is king by a mile.
- Write for strangers – not teachers, family, friends, or Ninja rangers.
- What readers know or don’t care about is Old.
- What’s new and interesting to readers is Gold.
- To find gold, brainstorm, grade, and rank to scrape off the mold.
- Feel like you’re lost in a tunnel? Funnel.
Task 0.1.2 – Tandem
Click here and, working in twos, complete the quiz. Do not use these pages or other resources. Do not ask anyone other than your partner.