The Enthymeme (aka hyperthesis)

In Ancient Greece, the great philosopher, Socrates, did not write anything down, since he did not trust writing. He mentored Plato, who wrote volumes, including Socrates’s thoughts. Plato taught Aristotle, whose stated goal was to systematize the learning of all knowledge.

Also, at the time there was Isocrates, a specialist in communications. He apparently taught all three philosophers. From Isocrates, Aristotle leaned – and refined – a communications concept called the enthymeme. It is a form of refined summary.

Aristotle said that if you become an expert at the enthymeme, you will know almost everything you need to know about communications. He then said that if you also become expert at using examples, then you will know everything you need to know about communications.

Learning the Enthymeme

GWS teaches the enthymeme in a series of steps.

The Introduction shows gives three steps:

Brainstorm for quantity not quality

Grade the ideas

Rank the A ideas

The Spoken Story

Students create a story they deliver orally. This part alleviates stress and shows them how to identify good ideas (Gold variables) vs. weak ideas (Cold variables).

Cold Variable – An idea readers probably know about or don’t care about.

Gold Variable – An idea readers probably don’t know much about and probably are not interested in.

They then brainstorm the problem in the five-part enthymeme:

Left-hand (LH) Verb phrase Right-hand (RH) because of Why
A hero had a problem with a troublemaker Because of [a problem]

The formula: C + C= poor

The students learn to find a Gold problem.

Cold Gold (but given) Gold
Left-hand (LH) Verb phrase Right-hand (RH) because of Why
A hero had a problem with (or when) the trouble-maker because (of) the problem the troublemaker caused

The formula: C + G + G = good 

A Written Story

Students learn to build an interesting troublemaker and a problem that is also likely to interest readers.  

Left-hand (LH) variable Verb phrase Right-hand (RH) variable because WHY
The hero has a problem with (or when) the trouble-maker causes because (of) Problem the troublemaker causes ...

*Gold but given.

A Nonfiction with Narrator Essay 

What Statement Why Statement
Left-hand (LH) variable Verb phrase Right-hand (RH) variable because WHY
The trouble-maker causes a unique problem because (of) an existing problem

Here, students learn

Nonfiction with Narrator Essay 2

What Statement Why Statement
Left-hand (LH) variable Verb phrase Right-hand (RH) variable because WHY
The hero has a problem with (or when) the trouble-maker causes because (of) Problem the troublemaker causes ...