Grades 1-3

Task 2.4.1 Create a Decision Table
Your class will send ONE gift to a poor child in the African country of Malawi. Your teacher will teach you about the country.
1. In small groups, brainstorm at least 15 ideas. You will have three minutes.
2. As a class, eliminate all duplicate ideas. (Your teacher can do this.)
- As a class, grade the ideas:
A = Awesome! Adult readers will likely not have thought of this and will say “Wow!”
B = Better. Adult readers will likely not have thought of this.
C = Common. Adult readers will likely have thought of this.
3. Your class, in small groups eliminate all duplicate ideas.
4. In small groups, eliminate all non-tangible ideas, such as happiness, spirituality, strength, leadership. It’s anything that sort of exists in a cloud.
5. In small groups and then a class, eliminate anything that will not fit in a box of approximately 16″ x 16″ x 16″. Try to buy a box about that size. If you cannot, purchase one that is close. Figure out the size in centimeters, and post it. Tell students that the gift must fit in that box. However, students can use a little fantasy, such as shrinking an elephant to fit. BUT you cannot shrink as intangible, such as happiness, to fit.
6. Make and use a Decision Table for the A ideas.
7. In case of a tie, flip a coin.