Create the Why Section

Grades 7 - Adult

Begin the Why Section with a new paragraph. Then repeat the What/Why Statement.  For example:

I had a problem with a tiny man of mirrors I found in a treasure chest I dug up, because he reflected people’s souls.

Add the sentence to your What/Why chart. It should now look like this:

LH VP RH because Y
Main Character Verb Phrase a troublemaker because problem troublemaker caused
I had a problem with with a tiny man of mirrors I found in a buried treasure chest because he reflected people's souls.

Task 6.10.1 – Class

Make a grocery list of the actions that will occur when you deal with the problem the troublemaker caused.

Next, include the following in the grocery list. For a greater explanation, see Lesson 2.5.


Have the why take place somewhere else –  not where you met the troublemaker.  For example, if you met the troublemaker downtown, then maybe have the Why Section take place at your house.


Have the why take place in a short time. 

People and Places

Have no more than four characters in your story, including you and the troublemaker, and keep the location limited to a very limited place.

An Example

For example, maybe the tiny man of mirrors followed you home.  You hid him in a box under your bed, but then you went into your sister’s party that night. Some of her teenage friends made fun of you, so to show them up you brought out the tiny man.  At first they were amazed.  But then people looked closer at him and became afraid. 

One girl broke down crying because she had been promised a boy she would go to the prom with him – and he wasn’t her boyfriend. A boy admitted he had stolen money from his employer. Another boy admitted he had lied to his mother, who was in the hospital at the time.

People realize the man of mirrors reflects the way we look on the inside, not just the outside.

The person jotting notes might have written this:

Box under the bed
Party – tease you
Girl and prom date
Boy and money stolen
Boy and lie to mother
Reflects inside, not just outside

Task 6.10.2 – Small Group or Class

Now add sensory details, dialog, and named things to the actions. See Lesson 2.5 for further information.

Task 6.10.3 – Small Group or Class

Use numbers to put the grocery list in order.