Chapter Activity
Grades 7 - Adult
Task 1 – Small Group

Stopping Doggo!
Doggo, your furry friend, is a master escape artist. He keeps finding ways to scoot out of the yard. We don’t want Doggo to get lost or hurt, right?
Your mission is to come up with ideas to keep your dog in the yard.
Work with your friends (groups of 2 or 3) to find at least 12 solutions. Everyone needs to share at least two ideas to win a prize! Don’t overthink it! There are no bad or silly ideas here!
Task 2
Grade the ideas.
A = Awesome! Adult readers are likely to say “Wow!” or “Woohoo!” to your idea.
B = Better. Adult readers probably would not have thought of this.
C = Common. Adult reader probably would have thought of this.
Task 3
Take one of your B or C ideas and funnel it down until you have at least 10 more ideas. Then grade those ideas as well.
Task 4
Continue funneling and grading until you have at least five A ideas.
Task 5
Construct a Decision Table. If you have five ideas and four evaluation criteria, then you will need—
Six rows
Six columns
Use the following criteria:
- Which is the least expensive?
- Which can be created the quickest?
- Which will last the longest?
- Which is the most humane? (Count this as double, so multiply all ranking numbers by 2.)
Each idea gets a row, and each st- or –est question gets a column.
Come up with your own st or est word for the last column.
IDEA | Least expensive | Quickest | Lasts longest | Most humane |
| Total |
Feel free to substitute one or more of your own criteria. Make sure they—
- have an st or est word
- are positive
Task 6
If you have five ideas, then you will score each idea 1 to 5. Do not repeat any numbers in a column.
Choose the best idea in a column. Score it a five (if you have five ideas).
Choose the weakest idea in that column. Score it a 1.
Choose the second best idea in that column. Score it a 4
Choose the second weakest idea in that column. Score it a 2.
The remaining idea will be a 3.
Do the above for each column.
Then add up each ideas’ scores.
Which idea won?
In case of a tie, flip a coin
Draw a picture of your idea.