Brainstorm the Troublemaker
Grades 1-3

Task 1.3.1 – Small Group
Decide if the RH ideas below are Cold or Gold:
- I had a problem with a treasure chest I found.
- I had a problem with gold in a treasure chest I found.
- I had a problem with jewelry in a treasure chest I found.
As you learned earlier, funneling means finding a more specific idea.
C + C: I had a problem with dirt I found in a treasure chest.
C + C: I had a problem with brown dirt I found in a treasure chest.
C + C: I had a problem with ugly dirt I found in a treasure chest.
C + G: I had a problem with ancient Egyptian dirt I found in a treasure chest.

Task 1.3.2 – Tandem
Hero | Verb Phrase | Troublemaker |
I | had a problem with | a green snake in a treasure chest. |
I | had a problem with | a poisonous snake in a treasure chest. |
I | had a problem with | a bracelet in a treasure chest. |
I | had a problem with | shrieking dirt in a treasure chest. |
I | had a problem with | an invisible snake in a treasure chest. |
I | had a problem with | a tiny flying house in a treasure chest. |
Decide if the idea in the right-hand (hero) slot is Cold or Gold.
Hero | Verb Phrase | Troublemaker |
I | had a problem with | a green snake I found in a treasure chest. |
I | had a problem with | a poisonous snake I found in a treasure chest. |
I | had a problem with | a bracelet I found in a treasure chest. |
I | had a problem with | shrieking dirt I found in a treasure chest. |
I | had a problem with | an invisible snake I found in a treasure chest. |
I | had a problem with | a tiny flying house I found in a treasure chest. |
Combining ideas is an excellent way to brainstorm Cold Ideas. For example:
Hero | Verb Phrase | Troublemaker |
I | had a problem with | a man I found in a treasure chest. |
I | had a problem with | a tiny man I found in a treasure chest. |
I | had a problem with | a mirror I found in a treasure chest. |
I | had a problem with | a tiny man made of mirrors I found in a treasure chest. |
Task 1.3.3 – Tandem
A. Combine the first two ideas into a third.
Hero | Verb Phrase | Troublemaker |
I | had a problem with | a snake I found in a treasure chest. |
I | had a problem with | a bicycle I found in a treasure chest |
I | had a problem with | ? |
B. Combine the first three ideas into a third.
Hero | Verb Phrase | Troublemaker |
I | had a problem with | a miniature pirate I found in a treasure chest. |
I | had a problem with | a miniature pirate’s parrot I found in a treasure chest. |
I | had a problem with | a miniature zombie I found in a treasure chest. |
I | had a problem with | ? |
C. Combine the first three ideas into a third.
Hero | Verb Phrase | Troublemaker |
I | had a problem with | a ballerina I found in a treasure chest. |
I | had a problem with | a box of chocolates I found in a treasure chest. |
I | had a problem with | ? |
Story Starter
While using a metal detector at the beach, you find an old metal bottle in the sand. Inside is a treasure map.
The map leads you to a state park, where you dig up a treasure chest.

In teams, brainstorm the question your teacher asks. Each group gets a recorder (or use a phone). Say, “1 …, 2 …. 3…” so you can keep track of how many ideas you have. You do not have to explain the ideas. You must have 20+ ideas in three minutes. To be eligible to win, each team member must give at least three ideas. Remember: there are no silly ideas!