Describe the Hero’s Main Emotion

Grades 1-3

Trout Shout

I had a problem with a talking dog because it ______________________.

Get with the groove! Get with the groove! Introduce DESCRIBE, and prove.

Task 3.2.1 – Class

Decide on the hero’s main emotion. Only ONE. And not a collection of emotions.

Your teacher will give you a sheet of paper that looks like the one below. Fill in the rest of the Summary Statement.

Leave the rest of the paper alone.

The Talking Dog
Summary Statement:
I had a problem with a talking dog because it
Cold Section


The Cold Section

Many students create stories using the word I but don’t know anything about that person. The story is boring. 

The Cold Section gives the hero’s background. It makes us interested in the hero. In this case, it tells about you before you met the talking dog. 

The Parts of the Cold Section

The Cold Section has three parts:


Trout Shout

Cold Section: Get with the grove!


And again!

Task 3.2.2 – Class

Which sentence is more interesting for a first sentence?

A. Hi, my name is Pedro.
B. Big dogs used to make me sad.

Which sentence is more interesting for a first sentence?

A. Hello, I’m Julia.
B. I used to be scared of talking in front of a class.

Which tells us the least about the hero?

A. I once met a talking dog.
B. Big dogs used to make me sad.
C. I used to be scared of talking in front of a class.

Hero = Main Character

The hero is also known as the main character. 

Hyacinth, the main character in the story about White Death, is not a hero. But the story is really about her, not the cat.

First Sentence = Introduction

The first sentence introduces the main character.

It tells us their hope or fear or heartache.

Task 3.2.3 – Tandem

  1. What is Julia’s fear inI used to be scared of talking in front of a class?
  2. What is Pedro’s heartache in “Big dogs make me sad”?
  3. Find the Introduction of the Cold Section in the paper below.
  4. How many sentences should it be?
  5. Fill in the space after Introduce with your Introduction.
The Talking Dog
Summary Statement:
I had a problem with a talking dog because it
Cold Section



Readers are not mind-readers. You need to describe what you meant by the first sentence.

For example, what do you mean by sad in Big dogs used to make me sad?
What do you mean by

  • Do you start crying? 
  • If so, is it a small crying, like the sniffles, or is it a fury, with you throwing things. 
  • Do you run into your bedroom and get mad when someone tries to console you? 
  • Do you become so sad that, instead of crying, you run into your mother’s arms?

Example A

Introduce: Big dogs used to make me sad. 
Describe: I would hide by the trees during recess if I saw big dogs outside the playground. I wasn’t afraid of the dogs. I just wanted to cry.

Example B

Introduce: Big dogs used to make me sad.
Describe: Whenever I saw a big dog, I would go to the other side of the road. So I wouldn’t cry.

Example C

Introduce: I have overcome my fear of talking. 
Describe: I used to be so afraid of talking in front of the class that I would wet my pants.

Example D

Introduce: I have overcome my fear of talking. 
Describe: I used to be so afraid of talking that I would sit at the end of a table at lunch and listen to music on my phone.


Your teacher will give you a piece of paper.  It will look like the one below. 

A. Find the Description of the Cold Section.
B. How long should it be?
C. Write in your Describe the Cold Section.

Name _______________________ Assignment _______
The Talking Dog
Summary Statement:
I had a problem with a talking dog because it
Cold Section
