Introduce, Describe, and
Prove the Solution

Grades 1-3

As we discussed in Lesson 6.1, in the ending, the hero solves the problem.  We now have these parts to your story.


Cold Section

Gold Section

Why Section


Another way of saying that is–


What Section

Cold – the hero

Gold – the troublemaker

Why Section the problem

Ending -the solution

The Structure of the Ending

Endings have the same structure as the other main parts of a story:




Introduce the Ending with the first sentence:

Introduce:   Then I had an idea

Now describe what the idea is.

Describe: I was going to make the dog into a telemarketer, one of those people who try to sell you things over the phone.

Finally, prove what you brought up in the Introduce and Describe. Explain what you mean in more detail.  A couple of sentences should do it.  


Pretend that you are ending the story about the talking dog becoming a telemarketer.

Introduce: Then I had an idea

Describe: I would teach him to be a telemarketer.

Prove: Explain what he would do and how it would solve the problem.


Keep endings to about these lengths:

Introduce: 1 short sentence.

Describe: 1-3 sentences.

Prove: 1-5 sentences.

APPLICATION – Class or Small Groups

Grade 1: Your teacher will take some notes for the ending and give them to each member of the class.  As a class, use IPE to organize them. Put them at the end of your story. 

Grade 2: Your teacher will put the information on the board or screen.  As a class, use IPE to organize them. Put them at the end of your story. 

Grade 3: Your teacher will help put the information onto the board.  In groups of two, use IPE to organize them. Put them at the end of your story.