
Grades 1-3

Task 0.0.1

Warm up by learning some Portuguese words.

saia      noz      cama    amesujis ovo  peeyou  dormir jantar   lago

skirt     walnut bed      clams   egg     socks   sleep    dinner  lake     strawberries   

Task 0.0.2

Close your eyes. Relax. Softly repeat after your teacher reads these.


  1. Old: what readers already know about or don’t care about.
  2. New: what readers don’t know much about it and are likely to be interested in.
  3. Brainstorm, grade, rank the ideas.
  4. In trouble? Funnel!
  5. Get with the groove! Introduce, Discuss, Prove!


Your teacher will give you a review a special way.

Six Kernels

Repeat each kernel as your teacher shows you pictures.

  1. Subject, not style, is king by a mile.
  2. Write for strangers – not teachers, family, friends, or Ninja rangers.
  3. What readers likely know or don’t care about is Old.
  4. What’s mostly new and interesting to readers is Gold.
  5. To find gold, brainstorm, grade, and rank to scrape off the mold.
  6. Feel like you’re lost in a mining tunnel? Then funnel.
  1. Subject, not style, is king by a mile.
  2. Write for strangers – not teachers, family, friends, or Ninja rangers.
  3. What readers likely know or don’t care about is Old.
  4. What’s mostly new and interesting to readers is Gold.
  5. To find gold, brainstorm, grade, and rank to scrape off the mold.
  6. Feel like you’re lost in a mining tunnel? Then funnel.

Task 0.0.3 – Tandem

Click here and, working in twos, complete the quiz.  Do not use these pages, or other resources. Do not ask anyone other than your partner.