Introduce the Hero
Grades 1-3

Heros must be dealing with an emotional problem. It makes them interesting.
I as the Hero
As the Hero, you can be anyone you want.
However, you need to create a Hero who is especially bothered by the troublemaker.
So make the Hero yourself!

LH | VP | RH |
Hero | Verb Phrase | Troublemaker |
I | had a problem with | a talking dog |
The Troublemaker
Let’s pretend the troublemaker is a talking dog.
What do we know about the troublemaker?
It talks.
It’s a dog.
You + Dogs
What kind of problem could you have had with a dog before you met the talking dog?
Remember, this is pretend. It doesn’t have to be real.
Borrow Dogs from the troublemaker column.

LH | VP | RH |
Hero | Verb Phrase | Troublemaker |
I (+dogs) | had a problem with | a talking dog |
- Your dog died.
- Your family had to sell it.
- It ran away.
You + Talking
Instead of doing I + dogs, you decided on I + talking. In that case, move talking to the LH box.

LH | VP | RH |
Hero | Verb Phrase | Troublemaker |
I (+talking) | had a problem with | a talking dog |
What kind of problem could you have had with talking before you met a talking dog?
Remember, this is pretend. It doesn’t have to be something that really bothers you.
Maybe you can pretend you’re afraid of speaking in front of a group.
Or maybe your group can think of some other fear having to do with talking.
Task 3.1.1 – Individual or Small Group
Decide on I + dogs or I + talking. Enter your choice next to “I” in the LH slot.
LH | VP | RH |
Hero | Verb Phrase | Troublemaker |
I (+ ?) | had a problem with | a talking dog |
Task 3.1.2 – Tandem
Name two parts about the troublemaker in the following What Statements:
- I had a problem with a shoplifting ostrich.
- I had a problem with a Christmas elf.
- I had a problem with a moose that thought it was a dog.
Task 3.1.3 – Individual or Small Group

Say a simple sentence about how you feel about dogs or talking (I + dogs or I + talking). Include an emotion. Say nothing about talking dogs.
I loved Jackson, my golden retriever
I’m not a dog lover, I’m a dog fanatic.
I shake with fear when I have to talk in front of the class.
I have always been ashamed of my stuttering.
APPLICATION – Grade 1 do as class.
Grade 3 do individually. Grade 2 your decision
- Come up with a first sentence for the left-hand (LH box). . The teacher will ask you questions and write information on the board.
- Add a sentence to the Hero section that tells how you feel about whatever you decided to move from the right-hand (RH) column to the left-hand (LH) column. For instance:
Summary Sentence
I had a problem with a talking dog because it made prank phone calls in Athabascan.
Hero Section – first sentence
Dogs used to make me sad.
Turn in the Summary Sentence and the sentence of the Hero Section to your teacher.