Rank the Why

Grades 1 - 3

Now you need to choose which one you want for your story.

Do not argue! Instead, use a Decision Table.

Task 2.4.1 – Small Groups

You are going to use these ways to evaluate your ideas:

  • Which do I most want to talk about?
  • Which most likely will interest adults?
  • Which will be the funniest?

What is the st word in each one?  Yes.  What is it?

Are they all positive?  Yes.

Task 2.4.2 – Small Groups

Fill out a Decision Chart. List your four best A ideas in Column A.                                    

Column A Column B Column C Column D Column D
Idea you adults funniest Total
Athabascan prank calls
Alaska Native pitching secrets
mailman + Athabascan
mailman + bad words

Decide on the idea you like best. Enter a 4 in Column B.

Decide on the idea you like least. Enter a 1 in Column B.

Column A Column B Column C Column D Column D
Idea you adults funniest Total
Athabascan prank calls 4
Alaska Native pitching secrets
mailman + Athabascan
mailman + bad words 1

Decide on the idea you like second best.  Enter a 3 in Column B.

Enter a 2 in the empty box in Column B.

Column A Column B Column C Column D Column D
Idea you adults funniest Total
Athabascan prank calls 4
Alaska Native pitching secrets 3
mailman + Athabascan 2
mailman + bad words 1

Decide on the idea you think adults will like best. Enter a 4 in Column C.

Decide on the idea you like adults will like least.  Enter a 1 in Column C.

Column A Column B Column C Column D Column D
Idea you adults funniest Total
Athabascan prank calls 4
Alaska Native pitching secrets 3 4
mailman + Athabascan 2
mailman + bad words 1 1

Decide on the idea you think adults will like second best.  Enter a 3 in Column C.

Enter a 2 in the empty box in Column C.

Column A Column B Column C Column D Column D
Idea you adults funniest Total
Athabascan prank calls 4 3
Alaska Native pitching secrets 3 4
mailman + Athabascan 2 2
mailman + bad words 1 1

Decide on the idea you think is funniest. Enter a 4 in Column D.

Decide on the idea you think is the least funny. t.  Enter a 1 in Column D.

Column A Column B Column C Column D Column D
Idea you adults funniest Total
Athabascan prank calls 4 3 4
Alaska Native pitching secrets 3 4 1
mailman + Athabascan 2 2
mailman + bad words 1 1

Decide on the idea you think is second funniest. Enter a 3 in Column D.

Enter a 2 in the empty box in Column D.

Column A Column B Column C Column D Column D
Idea you adults funniest Total
Athabascan prank calls 4 3 4
Alaska Native pitching secrets 3 4 1
mailman + Athabascan 2 2 2
mailman + bad words 1 1 3

Add up each row.  Circle the winner.

Column A Column B Column C Column D Column D
Idea you adults funniest Total
Athabascan prank calls 4 3 4 11
Alaska Native pitching secrets 3 4 1 8
mailman + Athabascan 2 2 2 6
mailman + bad words 1 1 3 5

In case of a tie, flip a coin. 

The What Statement

The what of is made up of the Communications Barbell. 

The Why is made up of because why

Task 2.4.3 – Class

  1. Reduce your Problem to the fewest words possible.
  2. Enter it into the Problem box of your Summary Statement.
LH (Main Character) VP (Verb Phrase) RH (Troublemaker) Because Why (Problem)
I had a problem with a talking dog because