Superlearning for Writing

Grades 1-3

  1. Subject, not style, is king by a mile.
  2. Write for strangers, not teachers, family, friends, or Ninja rangers. 
  3. C + C = Cold; C + G = Gold.
  4. What readers know or don’t care about is Cold.
  5. What’s new and interesting to readers is Gold.
  6. To find Gold, brainstorm, grade, and rank to scrape off the mold.
  7. Lost in a tunnel? Funnel.

1. Subject, not style, is king by a mile.

2. Write for strangers, not teachers, family, friends, or Ninja rangers.

3. C + C = Cold; C + G = Gold.

4. What readers know or don’t care about is Cold.

5. What’s new and interesting to readers is Gold.

6. To find Gold, brainstorm, grade, and rank to scrape off the mold.

7. Lost in a tunnel? Funnel.